2023-24 Bowl Season: College Gameday Bowl picks and Stanford Steve’s picks!

There’s no headgear pick today from Coach Corso. They’re saving that for New Year’s Day. In the meantime, here’s the Saturday bowl picks from College Gameday!

Stanford Steve’s Four Pack:
Wyoming-3.5 vs Toledo
Auburn-6.5 vs Maryland
Florida State+20 vs Georgia
Ole Miss+4.5 vs Penn State

Lee Corso:

Wyoming  over  Toledo
Georgia  over  Florida State
Auburn  over  Maryland
Ole Miss  over  Penn State

Kirk Herbstreit:

Wyoming  over  Toledo
Georgia  over  Florida State
Auburn  over  Maryland
Penn State  over  Ole Miss

Desmond Howard:

Wyoming  over  Toledo
Georgia  over  Florida State
Auburn  over  Maryland
Ole Miss  over  Penn State

Pat McAfee:

Wyoming  over  Toledo
Georgia  over  Florida State
Auburn  over  Maryland
Ole Miss  over  Penn State