Here’s the moment you’ve been waiting all week for. You need a little folding money in your pocket so its time to get those picks from Stanford Steve and the Bear Chris Fallica. I’ve got Stanford Steve’s record at 27-11-1 on the year (70.51%!!!), so he’s basically driving through the streets throwing hundred dollar bills out the window. All you have to do is reach down and pick them up. Listen to the whole podcast if you want the full details but here’s the picks.
Chris Fallica:
Date | Full.Pick |
10/20/18 | Oregon State + 7 vs California |
10/20/18 | Temple -3 vs Cincinnati |
10/20/18 | Mississippi State + 6.5 vs LSU |
10/20/18 | Nevada + 3 vs Hawaii |
10/20/18 | Purdue + 13.5 vs Ohio State |
10/20/18 | Tulsa + 7 vs Arkansas |
10/18/18 | Arizona State + 2.5 vs Stanford |
Stanford Steve Coughlin:
Date | Full.Pick |
10/20/18 | Auburn -3.5 vs Mississippi |
10/20/18 | East Carolina vs Central Florida Over 66 |
10/20/18 | Temple -3 vs Cincinnati |
10/20/18 | Nebraska -3.5 vs Minnesota |
10/20/18 | Nebraska vs Minnesota Over 56 |
Week 8
Stanford Steve and The Bear @chrisfallica podcast.
This week's guest @davidpollack47 with a pick in Clemson vs. NC State
Plus, the Bear and i will be in Pullman this weekend!— Stanford Steve (@StanfordSteve82) October 17, 2018